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Surrounding society and the main economic activity of the region of residence
The Northwest Federal District’s economy is dominated by the engineering complex. That complex, in turn, is dominated by shipbuilding, electrotechnical, energy, tractor, and agricultural engineering, machine-tool building, and electronic industry. The district’s chemical industry manufactures industrial rubber goods, tires, synthetic rubbers, fertilizers, plastics, paints and varnishes, acids, reagents, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, a few enterprises in St. Petersburg and Volkhov produce phosphate fertilizers. In Kingisepp, local phosphates are used as raw materials for manufacturing phosphate powder (the Fosforit enterprise). The Novgorod plant uses natural gas to manufacture nitrogen fertilizers; concentrated superphosphate is manufactured in Volkhov. The district also has a large chemical enterprise Krasny treugolnik (Northwestern Economic District 2021).
The district also has a well-developed timber industry that includes logging, wood processing, and pulp-and-paper industry. Karelia’s logging and wood processing industry accounts for over 5% of Russia’s timber exports. The District also has fish processing enterprises, engineering (Onego tractor plant), metallurgy, and shipbuilding (the Avangard shipyard).
Consumer goods industry is dominated by textile, leather and shoes, as well as porcelain and earthenware manufacturing. The Northwestern district develops construction industries including glass, concrete products, and other construction materials. Its significance goes beyond the Federal District alone.
Agriculture dominates the agroindustrial complex with dairy and meat cattle husbandry and flax growing as its most developed branches. Territorially, agriculture is structured meet the district’s local food demand. Dairy farms, pig farms, poultry farms, and vegetable farms are concentrated around major cities. The Pskov region boasts grain growing and animal husbandry (45% of the District’s entire cattle count). Stronger inter-regional ties, entrepreneurship development, a large variety of property types, and a new network of small- and medium-sized enterprises promote a spike in the agricultural industries of the Northwest.