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Dr. Bereznitsky Chief Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Ethnography of Siberia, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences Dr. Osipova Senior Research Fellow, Department of Ethnography of Siberia, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences
Surrounding Society and the Main economic Activity of the Region
In the 21st century, the Ulchi district demonstrates the following economic indicators:
The timber industry. Timber resources are estimated at 257.7 million cubic meters. The overall annual allowable cut totals 2.63 million cubic meters including 2.1 million cubic meters in available annual cut. There is only one lessee, Rimbunan Hijau FE LLC, that has an impact on the timber industry’s indicators in the Ulchi district. One large forest lessee, Dallesprom OJSC, significantly reduced its logging; the logging camp moved from the village of De-Kastri to the village of Konstantinovka in the Nikolaevsk District. Logging totaled 72.04 cubic meters over three months of 2022, or 58.5 % of the 2021 figure. Timber hauling totaled 81,520 cubic meters, round timber production totaled 71,100 cubic meters or 67.8 % of the 2021 figure. The timber industry’s preliminary estimate puts the revenue from sales of products, goods, and services in the accounting period at RUB 273.5 million, or 62.7 % of the 2021 figure.
The agricultural sector in the Ulchi district consists of about 7 homesteads, three farms, one sole proprietorship, and one agricultural processing consumer cooperative called “Bogorodskoye Farmer.” These entities are situated in the villages of Bogorodskoye, Mariisnkoye, Kiselevka, De-Kastri, and Takhta. Agricultural lands’ area totals 108.9 ha. Tilled area totals 553 ha.
The hunting sector. Six enterprises work in the hunting sector in the Ulchi municipal district: Krechet (Gyrfalcon) association of hunters and fishermen, an interregional public organization; Dhzuk LLC, Kurga LLC, Phart LLC, Eri-La Ethnic Trading Post LLC, the Ulchi District association of hunters and fishermen. Until 2025, these enterprises are allowed the use of territories with the total area of 2.470.300 ha. In the first quarter of 2022, the sector produced 1.2 million rubles worth of furs, or 87.5% of 2021 amount. Falling figures stem from the cessation of hunting wild hoofed animals for meat and from edible forest resources and medicinal herbs being no longer purchased from the local population.