
Modern culture and crafts, folklore groups, professional art

Currently, the traditional Chulym culture is rather poorly represented due to a gap in its transmission to the subsequent generations during the Soviet period. The existing ensembles and groups working in the field of revival of the Chulym traditional culture and art, belong, as a rule, to museums.

One can mention the following people and entities involved in the preservation and revival of the traditional culture:

- Alexander Kondiyakov (1952-2018), founder of the Chulym Union (Pasechnoye village, Tyukhtetsky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory) and the Chulym Folk Culture Society that he formed from residents of the villages of Pasechnoye, Chindat and Tyukhtet. In 2005-2006, with the support of the district authorities, Kondiyakov organized native language courses for adults and for children at the school. Over time, a group for the study and revival of the Chulym culture was formed within the Society. The participants translated popular Russian songs into Chulym (among which were “White Bird Cherry,” “Mists over the River,” “So the Years Have Passed,” “We Lived (a House on the Mountain,” “A Short Summer,” “The Daisies Hid, the Buttercups Drooped,” and  “Ships” by V. Vysotsky), performing them at local holidays and other events. By the 2010s, after the ban had been imposed on the Chulym language classes, the society gradually ceased to exist; by 2018, the year of Kondiyakov’s death, it had not convened for several years.

- Vasily Gabov (b. 1956), a language and social activist from the village of Teguldet. According to him, in his youth he tried to keep a literary diary in Chulym but gave up after the ridicule he received from his Russian comrades.  He gradually became one of the main figures in the revival of the Chulym language and culture in the Teguldet district. He is the main author of the ongoing translation of The New Testament into the Chulym language under the missionary department of the Tomsk diocese (the Gospel of Mark was translated and published in 2019).  He organized Chulym language courses conducted in 2020 at the Teguldet Museum of Local Lore.

- Teguldet Regional Central Library System and the Teguldet Local History Museum existing within it. Under the leadership of Lidia Selyaninova, the librarian of the local history department, in 2020, the project “Museum as a Center for the Revival of the Chulym culture,” was carried out, which included courses of the Chulym language. The Museum contains one of the three (along with the Florinsky Archaelogy Museum and Museum of Local Lore in the village of Birilyussy, Krasnoyarsk Territory) existing exhibitions dedicated to the Chulym culture.

- a group of Chulym activists from the cities of Tomsk and Asino led by Olga Kostrova. It was created in 2020 as part of Chulym language courses.  The members are engaged in the reconstruction of the traditional woman's attire of the Chulym people, their crafts, and folklore.